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Math  Level 1 (K-Grade 1)

Term 1

Lesson 1-2

  • Count numbers from 1 to 10

  • Read and write numbers within 10 in numerals and words

  • Match numerals to words from 1 to 10

  • Count and compare numbers, and make number patterns

Lesson 3-4

  • Make number bonds

  • Complete number bonds by filling in the missing parts

Lesson 5 Review

Lesson 6-7

  • Add numbers within 10 using number bonds and by counting on

  • Make addition equations and stories

  • Solve one-step addition story sums

Lesson 8-9

  • Subtract by crossing out, counting on, counting back and using number bonds

  • Make subtraction equations and stories

  • Solve one-step subtraction story sums

Lesson 10 Review

Lesson 11-12

  • Identify and recognize squares, circles, triangles and rectangles

  • Name sides and corners of basic shapes

  • Group shapes by size, shape and color

  • Identify and recognize shapes in everyday objects

  • Complete shape patterns in sequence

Lesson 13 Review

Lesson 14-15

  • Count numbers from 10 to 20

  • Use tens and ones to show numbers from 10 to 20

  • Compare and arrange numbers within 20

  • Complete number patterns

Lesson 16

  • Add by counting on and by making 10

  • Subtract by counting back

  • Solve addition and subtraction word problems within 20

Lesson 17 Review

Lesson 18

  • Compare heights and lengths of two or more objects

  • Compare lengths using a start line

  • Measure length using common objects and different objects

  • Measure length in units

Lesson 19 Review & Test

Term 2

Lesson 1

  • Count numbers from 20 to 40

  • Use tens and ones to show numbers from 20 to 40

  • Compare sets and numbers by subtraction

  • Compare and arrange numbers within 40, and complete number patterns

Lesson 2-3

  • Add numbers with or without regrouping

  • Add three numbers

  • Solve addition word problems

Lesson 4-5

  • Subtract numbers with or without regrouping

  • Solve subtraction word problems

Lesson 6 Review

Lesson 7

  • Understand and read data from simple picture graphs

  • Create picture graphs based on the given data

  • Understand and interpret data from picture graphs

Lesson 8-9

  • Understand the concept of multiplication - add the same number

  • Make multiplication equations and stories

  • Solve multiplication word problems

Lesson 10 Review

Lesson 11-12

  • Understand the concept of division - equal sharing and equal grouping

  • Find the equal number of items in each group

  • Find the number of equal groups

  • Solve division word problems

Lesson 13

  • Read time to hour and half hour

  • Read time in everyday life

Lesson 14 Review

Lesson 15-16

  • Count numbers from 40 to 100

  • Use tens and ones to show numbers from 40 to 100

  • Compare and arrange numbers within 100, and complete number patterns

Lesson 17-18

  • Add numbers with or without regrouping

  • Subtract numbers with or without regrouping

Lesson 19-20

  • Know money in cents and dollars, and find value of a group of coins and notes

  • Exchange coins and notes

  • Add and subtract money in cents or dollars, and solve related word problems

Lesson 21 Review & Test

Math Level 2 (Grade 1-2)

Term 1

Lesson 1-2

  • Count and write numbers within 1000 in numerals and words

  • Understand the place value of numbers within 1000

  • Compare and arrange numbers within 1000

  • Recognize and complete number patterns

Lesson 3-4

  • Perform mental addition/subtraction of 2-digit/3-digit number and 1-digit number 

  • Perform addition/subtraction of 2-digit/3-digit numbers without regrouping

  • Perform addition/subtraction of 2-digit/3-digit numbers with regrouping ones, tens or hundreds.

Lesson 5 Review

Lesson: 6-7

  • Add/subtract 3-digit numbers using part-whole

  • Add/subtraction 3-digit numbers by adding on and taking away sets

  • Add/subtract 2-digit/ 3-digit numbers by comparing two sets

Lesson 8-9

  • Multiply 1-digit numbers using equal groups and repeated addition

  • Divide 1-digit numbers by sharing equally and using equal groups

  • Make multiplication and division stories

Lesson 10 Review

Lesson 11-12 

  • Multiply numbers within multiplication table of 2,5

  • Multiple numbers within multiplication of 10

  • Divide numbers using multiplication facts

Lesson 13-14

  • Multiply numbers within multiplication table of 3,4

  • Divide numbers using multiplication facts

  • Write multiplication and division fact families

Lesson 15 Review

Lesson 16-17

  • Solve 1-digit numbers multiplication word problems

  • Solve 1-digit numbers division word problems

  • Brainstorming and Problem-Solving Practice

Lesson 18

  • Measure length, width and height using a meter rule

  • Compare and order lengths in meters and centimeters

  • Add and subtract length

  • Multiply and divide length

Lesson 19 Review & Test


Term 2

Lesson 1

  • Two-step word problems on addition

  • Two-step word problems on subtraction

Lesson 2

  • Compare two or more masses

  • Measure and compare masses in kilograms and grams

  • Solve addition and subtraction word problems related to mass

  • Solve multiplication and division word problems related to mass

Lesson 3 Review

Lesson 4-5

  • Find the value of a group of notes and coins

  • Express the amount of money in two ways and convert dollars to cents

  • Compare money

  • Solve word problems related to money

Lesson 6-7

  • Recognize two-dimensional figures (squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, semicircles and quarter circles)

  • Combine shapes to make new figures

  • Recognize three-dimensional figures (cubes, cuboids, cones, cylinders, spheres)

  • Make patterns with shapes and solids

Lesson 8 Review

Lesson 9-10

  • Understand fractions and equal parts

  • Understand parts and whole

  • Compare and arrange fractions with same denominator or numerator

  • Perform addition/subtraction of fraction with same denominator

Lesson 11-12

  • Express the correct time and understand ‘am’ and ‘pm’

  • Draw hour and minute hands correctly

  • Find the time after a certain time given the duration of half hour or one hour

Lesson 13 Review

Lesson 14-15

  • Read and interpret data from picture graphs with scales

  • Create picture graphs with scales

Lesson 16-17

  • Compare volumes of liquid

  • Read and measure volume of liquid in liters

  • Solve word problems related to adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing volume

Lesson 18-19 Review & Brainstorming and Problem-Solving Practice

Lesson 20-21 Review & Test

Math Level 2B (Grade 2)

Term 1

Lesson 1-2
 Count and write numbers within 10000 in numerals and words
  Understand the place value of numbers within 10000
  Compare and arrange numbers within 10000
  Recognize and complete number patterns

Lesson 3-4
  Find sum of numbers within 10000 by number models
  Perform addition of 3-digit/4-digit number and 3-digit/4-digit number by regrouping ones, tens and hundreds
  Perform mental addition of 2-digit number and 2-digit number

Lesson 5 Review
Lesson 6-7
  Find difference of numbers within 10000 by number models
  Perform subtraction of 3-digit/4-digit number and 3-digit/4-digit number by regrouping ones, tens and hundreds
  Perform mental subtraction of 2-digit number and 2-digit number

Lesson 8-9
  Solve for two-step word problems related to addition and subtraction
  Brainstorming and Problem-Solving Practice

Lesson 10 Review
Lesson 11-12
  Multiple numbers by 6, 7, 8, 9
  Divide numbers using multiplication facts
  Solve two-step word problems related to multiplication and division

Lesson 13-14
  Multiply 2-digit/3-digit number by 1-digit number without regrouping
  Multiply 2-digit/3-digit number by 1-digit number by regrouping ones, tens, hundreds and thousands
Lesson 15 Review

Lesson 16-17
  Look for quotient and remainder by dividing
  Divide 2-digit/3-digit number by 1-digit number without regrouping
  Multiply 2-digit/3-digit number by 1-digit number by regrouping ones, tens, and hundreds

Lesson 18-19
  Solve 1-step word problems related to multiplication and division
  Solve two-step word problems on the four operations
Lesson 20-21 Review & Test

Term 2

Lesson 22-23
Add money in dollars and cents
Subtract money in dollars and cents
Solve related money word problems
Lesson 24-25

Express length in kilometers, meters, or centimeters
Read correct mass on scale, and express mass in kilograms and grams
Read correct volume in measuring beakers, and express volume in liters and milliliters
Solve word problems related to length, mass and volume
Lesson 26 Review
Lesson 27-28

Read and interpret data from bar graphs
Solve word problems using data from bar graphs
Lesson 29-30

Recognize and understand equivalent fractions
Express a fraction in its simplest form
Perform addition/subtraction of fraction with different denominators
Lesson 31 Review
Lesson 32-33

Express time in minutes or hours and minutes
Look for duration given two different times
Look for starting time or ending time
Solve word problems related to time
Lesson 34-35

Identify angles and right angles
Identify and draw perpendicular lines in grids and figures
Identify and draw parallel lines in grids and figures
Lesson 36 Review

Lesson 37-38

Understand perimeter and area of figures in squares units
Look for perimeters and area of rectangles and squares using formula
Lesson 39-40

Solve word problems related to perimeter and area of rectangles or squares
Brainstorming and Problem-Solving Practice
Lesson 41-42 Review & Test

Math Level 3A (Grade 3)

 Operations and Algebraic Thinking :

Understand Numbers within 100,000
Recognize and write numbers within 100,000 in numerals and words
Identify the place value of numbers within 100,000
Compare, order and complete number patterns within 100,000
Round off numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand, and estimate sums and difference

Operations of multi-digit whole numbers
List factors, common factors, multiples and common multiples of whole numbers within 100
Perform multiplication and division by 1-digit/2-digit numbers
Solve word problems related to whole numbers

Recognize mixed numbers and improper fractions, convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and convert improper fractions to mixed numbers
Compare and order fractions with different numerators and different denominators
Perform addition and subtraction fractions (mixed numbers and improper fractions) with different numerators and denominators

Recognize decimal place - tenths, hundredths and thousands
Compare and order decimals, and round off decimals to the nearest whole number, 1 decimal place or 2 decimal places
Perform four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) decimals and estimate the value of decimals
Express a fraction (with denominator as 10 or 100) as a decimal, and vice versa, and solve word problems related to decimals

Measurement and Data :

●  Measure time in seconds, express time in 12-hour clock and 24-hour clock, and understand the starting or ending time given the duration (in hours and minutes), and solve word problems related to time
●  Interpret data in a table, complete table using given data, and solve problems related to given data

Geometry :

●  Understand angles, turns, 8-point compass and measure angles
●  Recognize properties of squares and rectangles, and find unknown lengths and angles in squares and rectangles
●  Calculate perimeter and area of rectangles, squares and composite figures, look for missing length or width of rectangle/square given perimeter or area, and solve related word problems
●  Understand the concept of symmetry, recognize symmetric figures and the lines of symmetry in figures, and complete symmetric figures and patterns

Math Level 3B  (Grade 3-4)

Operations and Algebraic Thinking :

Understand Numbers within 10 million
Recognize and write numbers within 10 million in numerals and words
Identify the place value of number within 10 million

Operations of multi-digit whole numbers
Perform multiplication of tens, hundreds, thousands and their multiples
Perform division of tens, hundreds, thousands and their multiples
Perform order of operations for whole numbers
Solve word problems related to whole numbers

Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions, and mixed numbers
Perform multiplication of whole numbers, fractions (proper and improper fractions) and mixed numbers
Solve word problems related to fractions

Perform conversion from fractions (proper and improper fractions) to decimals
Multiply and divide decimals to thousands by tens, hundreds, thousands and their multiples

Measurement and Data :

Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figure, understand concepts of volume measurement
Measure volumes by counting unit cubes, using cubic cm, l, and ml, and apply formula to calculate volume of cubes and cuboids
Understand the concept of percentage, relate percent to decimals and fractions, and calculate percentage based on quantities and vice versa
Understand the concept of average, calculate the average or total number, and solve real-world word problems related to average
Understand the concept of ratio, look for ratio and equivalent ratio of two or three given quantities, and solve word problems related to ratio
Understand the rate between different currency, and solve real-world word problems related to rate

Geometry :

Recognize and understand angles on a straight line, angles at a point and vertically opposite angles, and look for unknown angles using angle properties
Recognize and classify triangles, look for unknown angles in right-angled, isosceles and equilateral triangles, and apply formula to calculate the area of triangles
Recognize and classify quadrilaterals, look for unknown angles in a parallelogram, rhombus and trapezium

Math Level 4 (Grade 4)

 Operations and Algebraic Thinking​ :

Apply and extend previous understanding of arithmetic to algebraic expression
   ✧ Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole-number exponents
   ✧ Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stands for numbers
   ✧ Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions

Apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions
Fluently divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm
Fluently perform addition and subtraction of multi-digit decimals
Find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100 and the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12, and use distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers 1-100 with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers without common factor

Measurement and Data :

●  Understand ratio, rate, and proportion concept and use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world mathematical problems
  Understand percentage, discount, GST, percentage increase and percentage decrease, and solve real-world mathematical problems
  Read and interpret pie charts and use data from pie chart to solve word problems
●  Understand distance and speed, look for average speed and solve word problems related to speed
●  Use angle properties to find unknown angles in geometric figures like square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium, and different types of triangles

Geometry :

●  Recognize center, radius, diameter and circumference of a circle as well as semicircle and quarter circle, calculate circumference and area of a circle using formula, and solve word problems related to circles and composite figures
 Calculate the volume of a right rectangular prism, look for one dimension of a cuboid given its volume and other dimensions, or the edge of a cube given its volume, find surface area and volume of solids and liquids and solve related word problems
 Represent three-dimensional figures such as cube, cuboid, prism and pyramid using nets made up of rectangles and triangles, and use the nets to find the number of surfaces and surface area of these figures





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