Math Level 1
Number Sense and Operations within 10
Count number to 10 in concrete and pictorial way
Compare the number sets within 10 using crocodile method and inequality symbols
Understand the meaning of addition and subtraction
Add numbers within 10 by counting on
Subtract numbers within 10 by counting back
Practicing addition and subtraction within 10
Make addition and subtraction stories
Solve one-step addition and subtraction stories and word problems
Number Bonds
Understand the branches of the number bonds
Make number bonds
Complete the number bonds with missing values
Make number bonds with more than two branches
Ordinal Numbers
Name the positions
Express the position with ordinal numbers and words
Identify the correct position
Shapes and Patterns
Identify and naming 2-dimensional shapes
Name sides and corners of basic shapes
Identify and recognizing shapes in everyday objects
Group shapes by size, shapes and color
Complete the shape patterns in sequence with given figures
Number Sense and Operations within 20
Counting number from 10 to 20 in concrete and pictorial way
Use tens and ones to show numbers within 20
Compare the number sets within 20 using crocodile method and inequality symbols
Arrange the numbers with increasing or decreasing order within 20
Add numbers within 20 by counting on
Subtract numbers within 20 by counting back
Decompose and compose numbers to solve subtraction stories and addition stories
Observe and complete the number pattern with given sequence
Compare heights and lengths for two or more objects
Compare lengths using a start line
Measure and compare length using common objects
Measure length in units
Hand on activities for measuring the length of objects
Understanding how the scales work
Compare masses and weights for two or more objects
Measure and compare mass or weight using given unit
Number Sense and Operations within 40
Count numbers from 20 to 40 in concrete and pictorial way
Use tens and ones to show numbers from 20 to 40
Compare the number sets within 40 using crocodile method and inequality symbols
Arrange the numbers within 20 according to the given order
Decompose and compose numbers to solve subtraction and addition problems
Addition and subtraction with regrouping and without regroup for the numbers within 40
Addition problems involving three numbers
Solve one-step addition and subtraction word problems
Observe and complete the number pattern with given sequence
Number Sense and Operations within 100
Count numbers to 100 in concrete and pictorial way
Use tens and ones to show numbers within 100
Compare the number sets within 100 using crocodile method and inequality symbols
Arrange the numbers within 100 according to the given order
Decompose and compose numbers to solve subtraction and addition problems
Addition and subtraction with regrouping and without regroup for the numbers within 100
Addition problems involving three numbers
Solve one-step addition and subtraction word problems
Observe and complete the number pattern with given sequence
Learn to extend and apply understanding of the number sense to the number over 100
Understand how the hour hand and minute hand work
Tell time to hour and half hour using digital and analog clocks
Tell time in everyday life
Identify and name the value of dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies
Use dollar ($) and cent () symbols appropriately
Find value of a group of coins and notes
Exchange coins and notes
Add and subtraction money in cents or dollars
Apply the concepts of money in everyday life
Solve the word problems in money
Extended Content:
Picture Graphs
Understand and read data from picture graphs
Understand and interpret data from picture graphs
Create picture graphs based on the given data
Understanding the concept of multiplication – repeated addition
Introduce the multiplication table of 2, 5 and 10 in concrete and pictorial way
Make multiplication equations and stories
Solve division word problems
Understanding the concept of division – equal sharing and equal grouping
Find the equal number of items in each group
Find the number of equal groups
Make division equations and stories
Solve division word problems
Math Level 2
Number Sense and Operations within 1,000
Count number to 1,000 in concrete and pictorial way
Number sense with ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands
Understand the place value of number within 1,000
Identify, represent, and write numbers to 1,000 using base ten, standard form, and expanded form
Form the correct number with the given clues
Compare 3-digit numbers using greater than, less than, and equal to with corresponding symbols
Compare and arrange multiple numbers within 1,000
Recognize and complete number patterns
Strategy of performing mental addition and subtraction of 2-digit, 3-digit and 1-digit numbers
Strategy of performing mental addition and subtraction of 2-digit and 3-digit numbers without regrouping
Strategy of performing mental addition and subtraction of 2-digit and 3-digit numbers with regrouping ones, tens and hundreds
Introduce the bar model for solving word problems
Solve multi-step word problems
Multiplication and Division
Construct multiplication facts of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
Develop and understand of number sense through skip-counting, repeating addition
Establish and understand the connection with arrays and multiplication
Introduce the bar model for solving word problems
Construct division facts of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
Develop and understand of sharing equally and using equal groups
Divide numbers using multiplication facts
Write multiplication and division fact families
Solve word problems in concrete way and using bar model
Real-world problems in multiplication and division
Establish and give a picture of meters and centimeter with daily object
Estimate and measure length by using meter ruler
Measure the object in centimeter
Tell and read the scale on the ruler without aligning 0
Identify appropriate units of measuring length
Comparing and ordering multiple length
Four operations in length
Solve word problems involve in length with bar model, equation and long operation
Understand how to read the mass with different kind of scale
Measure the object in kilograms and grams
Identify appropriate units of measuring mass
Compare and order multiple masses
Four operations problems in mass
Solve word problems involve in mass with bar model, equation, and long operation
Introduce fractions and unit fractions
Understand parts and whole
Identify and recognize the equal shares of an identical whole
Compare and order multiple fractions (like fraction and like numerator fraction)
Add and subtract fractions with common denominators
Understand how to make a whole
Solve word problems involve in fractions
Shapes, Solid Figures and Patterns
Recall – Recognize 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional shapes
Identify shapes and make figures
Draw the given figure on dot grid and square grid
Complete and identify the patterns with 2D and 3D shapes
Make compound shapes or identify the shapes within the compound shapes
Combine solids to make new figures
Recall – Telling time to an hour and half an hour
Telling time to 5 minutes
Telling time using a.m. and p.m.
Draw the hour and minute hand on the clock face to show the time
Read and write the corresponding time from analog and digital clocks
Find the time after giving the start time and the duration of half or one hour
Recall – Identify the coins and notes for US dollars and cents
Count the amount of money mixed with coins and notes
Convert the value of money in cents and dollars
Compare and order the amount of money
Solve word problems related to money with bar model and concrete way
Introduce the idea of volume
Use several real-world examples to guild the students understand volume in a more comprehensive way
Measure volume in liters
Compare volumes of liquid with “more than”, “less than” or “same as”
Compare and order volumes in liters
Solve word problems related to adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing volume
Picture Graphs
Recall – Read the picture graphs
Understand picture graphs with scales
Use the corresponding data from picture graphs to answer questions
Compare the quantities with picture graphs
Create picture graphs with scales
Extended Content:
Line plots
Introduce the line plots
Read and understand line plots
Use the corresponding data from line plots to answer questions
Convert the data between bar graphs and line plots
Math Level 3
Number Sense and Operations within 10,000
Count number to 10,000 in concrete and pictorial way
Write the given numbers in numerals and words
Utilize place value and understand to compute values
Represent, express and write numbers to 10,000 using standard form and expanded form
Form the correct number with the given clues
Compare numbers within 10,000 using the corresponding symbols
Arrange multiple numbers within 10,000 with different order
Complete the number patterns within 10,000 and create number patterns with own rules
Perform addition with and without regrouping numbers
Perform subtraction with and without regrouping numbers
Strategy of performing mental addition and subtraction of numbers with and without regrouping
Strategy of performing critical thinking of addition and subtraction within 10,000
Solve up to two-step word problems related to addition and subtraction with bar model and concrete way
Using bar models to solve real-world problems in addition and subtraction within 10,000
Multiplication facts and Division facts with 6, 7, 8 and 9
Construct multiplication facts of 6, 7, 8, and 9
Understand the properties of multiplication
Construct division facts of 6, 7, 8, and 9
Write multiplication and division fact families
Word problems involve in multiplication facts and division facts with 6, 7, 8, and 9
Multiplication and Division
Multiply 2-digit/3-digit number by 1-digit number without regrouping
Multiply 2-digit/3-digit number by 1-digit number by regrouping ones, tens, hundreds and thousands
Strategy of performing mental calculation in multiplication
Make the connection with number bonds and multiplication
Understand and look for quotient and remainder by dividing
Divide 2-digit/3-digit number by 1-digit number with long term division
Solve up to two-step word problems related to multiplication and division
Using bar models to solve real-world problems in multiplication and division
Recall – counting money in dollars and cents and converting money
Understand value of $1,000 by forming notes and cents
Addition involve money mixed with dollars and cents with/without regrouping
Subtraction involve money mixed with dollars and cents with/without regrouping
Solve the word problems related to money with four operations
Solve the real-world problems related to money
Recall – Estimating and measuring length in meters and centimeters
Recall – Measuring mass in kilograms or grams
Measurement and conversion of length in centimeters, meters and kilometers
Measurement and conversion of mass in grams and kilograms
Understand the capacity and volume
Measurement and conversion of volume and capacity in milliliters and liters
Read and draw the correct volume in measuring beakers
Express the corresponding measurement in the given scale
Solve up to two-step word problems related to measurements
Solve real-world problems and examples related to measurements
Recall – Telling time to the hour, half hour and 5 minutes
Recall – Telling time using a.m. and p.m.
Recall – Time duration of one hour or half hour
Understand and tell the time to the minute
Read and write the corresponding time from analog and digital clocks
Telling time using “past” and “to”
Draw the hour and minute hand on the clock face to show the time in hours and minutes
Conversion of hours and minutes
Measuring time duration in hours and minutes
Figure out the starting time with given finishing time and time duration
Figure out the finishing time with given starting time and time duration
Figure out the time duration with given starting time and finishing time
Addition and subtraction of time
Solve word problems and real-world problems related to time
Recall – Naming fractions and equal parts
Recall - Compare and order multiple like fractions
Recall – Addition and subtraction of like fractions
Understand and figure out the equivalent fraction with given fractions
Read, write and complete the fractions on the number line
Understand simplifying fractions by dividing same number to numerator and denominator
Using fraction discs and fraction bars to guild students for understanding how to compare the unlike fractions
Strategy of comparing fraction with respect to half
Compare fractions by making equivalent fractions to make the denominators in the same share
Compare and order multiple unlike fractions in different order
Addition and subtraction of unlike fractions
Solve word problems related to fractions
Understand the idea of angles
Understand the right angle and the relationship between the right angles and the daily objects
Idea of different type of angles (Right angle, Acute angle and Obtuse angle)
Identify and recognize the type of angles
Perpendicular Lines and Parallel Lines
Idea of perpendicular lines and parallel lines
Identify perpendicular and parallel lines
Naming and drawing perpendicular lines and parallel lines
Idea of vertical and horizontal lines
Perimeter and Area
Idea of perimeter and area
Measure and calculate the perimeter and area using square units
Compare the area and perimeter of figures and shapes using square units, square centimeters
Measure the area related to half square unit
Measure the area by splitting and merging the shapes
Measure the area related to square centimeters and square meters
Idea and formula of finding the area of squares and rectangles
Bar graphs
Recall – Reading and interpreting picture graphs with scales
Reading and interpreting bar graphs
Solving problems using data in graphs
Making vertical and horizontal bar graphs with given data
Mixed practice with tally marks, picture graphs with scale, line plots and bar graphs with/without scale
Math Level 4
Number Sense and Operations within 100,000
Count number to 100,000 in concrete and pictorial way
Write number up to 100,000 in numerals and words
Understand the place value of numbers within 100,000
Represent, express and write numbers to 100,000 using standard form and expanded form
Form the correct number with the given clues
Compare numbers within 100,00 using the corresponding symbols
Arrange multiple numbers within 100,000 with different order
Identify and complete the number patterns up to 100,000
Create and make the number patterns with own rules
Round off to the nearest tens, hundreds and thousands
Factors and Multiples
Understand the idea of factors and multiples
Understand the common factor and common multiple
Use the cake/ladder method to figure out the greatest common factor and least common multiple
Properties of the greatest common factor and least common multiple
Four operations of Whole Numbers
Recall – Multiply up to a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number
Recall – Division up to 3-digit number by a 1-digit number with/without remainder
Multiply 3-digit number by a 2-digit number
Strategy of multiplying tens, hundreds and thousands
Division up to 4-digit number by a 1-digit number with/without remainder
Word problems related to four operations of whole numbers
Solve up to three-step word problems related to four operations of whole numbers
Mixed Number
Understanding the idea of mixed numbers
Recognize mixed numbers and improper fractions
Conversion between mixed numbers and improper fractions
Compare and order improper fractions, proper fractions and mixed numbers
Addition and Subtraction related to proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers
Understanding and applying the idea of fraction of a set
Word problems related in fractions and mixed numbers
Solve word problems by using bar models
Recall – The types of angles (acute angles, obtuse angles and right angles)
Understanding how to name the angles
Learn about the protractor (center, base line, outer scale and inner scale)
Understand how to measure the given angles with the protractor in degrees
Learn about how to draw the angles with a protractor
Idea of quarter, half, three-quarter and complete turns
Identify clockwise and anticlockwise turns
Learning 8-point compass
Telling the direction from the reference point with the 8-point compass
Understand and find the turns and degrees on 8-point compass
Squares and Rectangles
Recall – The shapes of squares and rectangles
Recognize properties of squares and rectangles
Find unknow length in squares and rectangles
Find unknown angles in squares and rectangles
Draw squares and rectangles on square grid
Understand and identify tenths, hundreds and thousandths in concrete and pictorial way
Understand the place value of tenths, hundreds and thousandths
Represent, express and write the decimals using standard form and expanded form
Compare and order decimals
Round off decimals to the nearest whole number, 1st decimal place or 2nd decimals places
Express a fraction with denominator as 10 or 100 as a decimal
Convert the fractions to decimals or decimals to fractions
Add and subtract decimals with 1st decimal place or 2nd decimal places
Multiply and divide decimals with 1st decimal place or 2nd decimal places
Estimate the values of decimals to whole number
Solve word problems related to the decimals (1st decimal place and 2nd decimal places decimals)
Understand symmetric figures and lines of symmetry
Identify lines of symmetry of given figures and shapes
Complete the symmetric figures on square grids
Area and Perimeter
Recall – Idea of perimeter and area
Find unknown sides of rectangles and squares by using the properties of squares and rectangles, perimeter of the given squares and rectangles and area of the given squares and rectangles
Solve the word problems related to the area or perimeter of squares and rectangles
Understand the fundamental idea of composite figures of squares and rectangles
Find the perimeter and area of the composite figures with splitting method
Solve the word problems related to the area or perimeter of composite figures
Tables and Line Graphs
Recognize and understand the data in different table
Understand the pros and cons from different tables
Draw and make an appropriate table with given data
Complete tables using given data
Solve problems using given data in tables and line graphs
Recall – Time in hours and minutes
Measuring time in seconds
Understand the 24-hour clock
Convert the time with 12-hour and 24-hour clock
Find the starting time with given finishing time and time duration up to seconds
Find the finishing time with given starting time and time duration up to seconds
Find the time duration with given starting time and finishing time up to seconds
Solve word problems related to time in seconds and hours